Man waiting in airport.

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10 Tips For Staying Healthy While You Travel

Most travelers struggle to stay healthy while on the road. A trip often begins and ends with some stress (travel days!) and then most of us have a hard time sticking to our routines and healthy habits while we’re away from home.

Whether you’re flying for a business trip and staying in a hotel, road tripping to visit relatives, or vacationing in an Airbnb, being away from home means you’re out of your element. 

For better or worse, I’ve spent a lot of time traveling. Between business trips, a long distance relationship (with the now Mr. Kaleifornian), living thousands of miles away from my family, and a passion for seeing the world, travel has been a big part of my life. Over the years, I’ve come up with a few things that really work for me– and I think just about anyone can benefit from these tips for healthy travel!

Here are my 10 tips for staying healthy while you travel

Toddler in becco carrier backpack style

1) Travel day: calibrate your expectations

Flights get canceled, there’s unexpected traffic, and all kinds of crazy stuff can happen on a travel day. I’ve had moments where I wanted to burst into tears and I’ve had times where a cancelled flight rolls off my back and I still have a great day. My advice: remain optimistic, but go into a travel day knowing that anything could happen. 

That means having some healthy snacks in your bag, maybe keeping a change of clothes (at least fresh undies!) and a toothbrush in your carry-on, and always having a good book–even if you don’t think you’ll need them. Big picture, you’ll be just fine and you choose whether something ruins your day. This mindset has helped me handle unexpected and unpleasant travel situations SO much better. 

Inside airplane on a travel day.
Photo by Suhyeon Choi (Unsplash)

2) Meals & snacks: plan ahead.

usually try to eat something healthy at home before my travel day begins. A few airports have decent food options (if so, grab something there!), but most are pretty terrible.  I also like to bring some healthy snacks with me; usually an organic apple and a couple bars in my purse plus a few more bars or some nuts in my suitcase (I really like EVO hemp bars lately). Whether you’re staying at a hotel or in someone’s home, it’s helpful to have something with you that’ll make for a healthy breakfast or snack while you’re traveling.

4 healthy salad jars  - a great way to stay healthy while you travel.
Photo by S’well on Unsplash


3) Bring your sneakers + plan to move.

I always like to wear sneakers on a travel day. It spares me from packing a bulky item and it’s a necessity when I’m traveling with my children because I usually have one of them strapped to me in a carrier.  Even if you don’t travel in sneakers, they’re all you need to get some exercise–wherever you’re headed. Even if you can’t make it to a gym, you can usually go for a walk no matter where you are. 30 mins of movement each day is a non-negotiable for me, and a brisk walk (or even broken into a few chunks -i.e. to/from the office or a meal) is much better than nothing.  

Walking through airport in sneakers with baby carrier and toddler

4) Bring a hat.

I’m all about sun protection and walking outside, so I always bring a baseball cap with me. Travel day tip: have it with you on the plane or in the car. If you want to rest, you can loosen your hat and tilt it down over your eyes a bit to make it feel a little darker, which helps with falling asleep.  

5) Bring a water bottle.

Airplanes have a lower humidity level than the Sahara Desert, so it’s very easy to
Packing a suitcase with water bottle and hat.
Photo by Elaine Tu on Unsplash
get dehydrated while flying. I like to drink a bottle of water on the way to the airport, start a flight with my (reusable) bottle full of water and ask for it to be refilled on the plane–which also means you can skip the single-use plastic cups. 
Since I always have my water bottle with me, bringing it when I travel helps me keep up with my daily water intake while I’m away (the minimum should be half your body weight in ounces each day – more if you get in a heavy workout).

6) Bring some coconut oil. 

I like to bring a small mason jar of coconut oil when I travel because it can be used for so many things! And something multi-purpose also simplifies my packing. You can use it as a body moisturizer, make-up remover, for oil cleansing, for oil pulling, and as a fat for your coffee (part of my daily routine). And if you have a baby, coconut oil soothes a rash in a pinch. These individual packets are really convenient for travel as well. Trader Joe's Coconut Oil packages.

7) Bring your own soap/shampoo/conditioner. 

Unless you’re staying at a all-natural wellness spa (I wish!!) or with someone who is really mindful about non-toxic personal care, I recommend bringing your own products when you travel (travel-size & refillable). The vast majority of hotels offer conventional products which are full of ingredients I try to avoid (click here for why) — not to mention that the mini bottles create an enormous amount of waste.

8) Keep your routine as much as possible.

If you usually work out or meditate in the morning, do a yoga class once a week, or eat a certain way, stick with what works for you. Put some thought and planning into how you can make this happen before you leave and do what you can to work your schedule around it. I always still try to get my 30 mins of movement in, so I keep that in mind when I plan my travel. I like going for a walk outside before a long day of travel (the light is beneficial for circadian rhythms), but if that’s not feasible, I usually exercise when I arrive or make a plan that allows me to walk to dinner. 

I used to lose all self-control with respect to healthy eating when I traveled. I’ve realized that setting an intention to keep my healthy eating habits goes a long way. I will often indulge in something special, but it no longer means “all or nothing” and gaining a few pounds every time I go on a trip.

Image of a yoga class from the back. One way to stay healthy during travel.
Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

9) Don’t forget your probiotics.

Probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kefir, and cultured yogurt are great to have in your diet at all times. If you don’t eat these foods regularly, you may want to take a daily probiotic. Try to be extra mindful about probiotics leading up to and during a trip as they’ll support your immune system, aid digestion, and promote good health in a variety of way. If you forget your probiotics, try to find some Kombucha! It’s  is one of my favorites, and I’ve used the glass bottle as a substitute water bottle (see #6) in the past when I’ve forgotten mine.

10) BYOP & other sleep aids.

When it comes to health, sleep is often overlooked. But it’s at least as important as diet and exercise. Unless you’re blessed with the “sleep anywhere” gene (I’m very jealous), this may be the toughest part of travel. I’ve spent countless nights tossing and turning when I’m staying in a hotel or in someone else’s house; it’s so hard to function after a few days like that! 

Knowing that I’m a sensitive sleeper, I often pack my own pillow, ear plugs, and a dark long sleeve shirt that I can use as an eye mask (regular eye masks aren’t comfortable to me… I told you I’m particular!). This is another reason that I make exercise (see #3) a priority–it really helps me sleep. It never hurts to have some melatonin in your travel bag as well.  I avoid sleep aids, but if I have to choose between melatonin and a few days of not sleeping, I’ll take the melatonin!

I hope this helps you feel great and stay healthy while you travel!

Do you have any other trips for healthy travel? Please drop a note in the comments to share!! 

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